Chosen Mate (Catamount Lion Shifters #2) Page 11
Dane sighed. “Fine, we won’t give you grief about it, but how about keeping us in the loop?”
Shana slanted her eyes at him. “Right. ‘Cause you guys really kept us in the loop for hours this afternoon. You already knew we’ve been keeping our ears to the ground. We happened to stumble into a tidbit. All we did was drive by a house in the middle of the afternoon. I was hoping we’d get a glimpse of him. But it doesn’t really matter because just knowing he has family in Catamount gives us a lead.”
Phoebe tapped Jake with her foot. “You can do your magic online and see what connections we might find between Carl Jasper and any of the Jaspers in Catamount.”
Jake knew it wasn’t rational, but anger zipped through him. The idea of Phoebe being anywhere near anyone who might be a risk clamped a vice around his heart. He forced himself to take a slow breath and glanced over at her. Her dark eyes met his as she stroked her foot along his calf. He sighed and leaned back. He was bone tired. After a few more minutes of conversation, he heard Phoebe commenting that he needed to get to bed. He dragged his eyes open when she nudged him gently.
He fell asleep with her snug beside him, her head tucked against his chest. Moonlight fell across the bed, illuminating her features. Her long dark lashes left spiky shadows on her cheeks.
The following morning, they met with Hayden once more. Hayden had little to offer on Carl Jasper, other than to confirm he was a shifter and his social circles bumped into a few of the shifters known to be involved in smuggling. He wasn’t flying high on the radar, which left more questions than answers. While they waited at the airport for their flight back to Maine, Jake started digging online to see what he could turn up about Carl Jasper and any of the Jaspers in Catamount. A quick search showed that Carl had flown back and forth between Montana and Maine several times a year for the past two years, most recently right after Callen died.
Jake closed his laptop when their flight was called, impatient to get back to Catamount, so they could see what else might turn up. As their plane ascended, he glanced over at Phoebe. He was beyond relieved that this time he wasn’t chasing after her. He slipped his hand into her curls. She turned to him, her eyes holding a glimmer of worry.
“What?” he asked.
She shrugged. “It feels like we have more questions now.”
“Yes and no. We might have more questions, but we also have more directions to go.”
Her lips quirked in a rueful smile. “I suppose.” She lifted a hand and traced his mouth, her touch electric.
Chapter 14
Phoebe walked along the street in downtown Catamount. She’d just finished work at the hospital and needed to do some last minute Christmas shopping. Snow had fallen again last night, and the town green was blanketed with a heavy layer of snow. The wind had piled drifts in areas. The air was crisp and cold. She took a breath, savoring the hint of balsam and wood smoke. After taking care of her shopping, she pushed through the door into Roxanne’s Country Store. Warmth enveloped her, along with the scent of holiday baking. The deli did a brisk business over the holidays, providing an array of goodies. She scanned through the busy deli as she stood in line, her eyes noting Noah Jasper at one of the tables.
Since they’d returned from Montana, Jake had been busy with his online sleuthing, and she found she was constantly searching out anyone in the extended Jasper family in Catamount. Though she knew the family, they weren’t close, so she had to fight the urge to interrogate those she encountered. Jake had grudgingly acknowledged that he couldn’t keep her out of the investigation and had only asked she return the favor she’d asked of him and keep him updated. She’d rolled her eyes at that and politely pointed out she’d already done so at every turn.
Noah Jasper had gone to high school with her and Shana. He’d been sought after by the girls in high school for two reasons—he was tall, dark and handsome, and he was reserved, which made him a challenge. Though Phoebe didn’t know him too well, she’d always sensed he didn’t quite enjoy the attention. In fact, it seemed to make him uncomfortable. He’d gone to college out of state, then off to the military, and only returned to Catamount in the last year or so. He was rumored to have been in the Special Forces in the military, but he kept such a low profile, Phoebe didn’t know if that was the case or not. She did know that if he were, he would be formidable. A shifter and a specially trained military operative would be dangerous. She hoped like hell that he wasn’t involved in the smuggling network.
Roxanne tilted her head and grinned when Phoebe stepped up to the counter. “What’ll it be today?”
“Coffee and a lemon bar.”
Roxanne quickly served her, her eyes speculative as she handed over the coffee. “What’s this I hear about you and Jake?”
Phoebe had known the questions would start now that she and Jake were being open about their relationship, but it didn’t stop the flush that spread across her cheeks. “What have you heard?”
“That you two finally came to your senses, and things are hot and heavy. To be specific, Gail Anderson, who apparently sees everything and anything, told me she saw you in a lip lock with him yesterday in the hospital parking lot.” Roxanne’s grin was wide and her eyes glinted with mischief.
Phoebe’s flush made her face hot. She chewed her lip and sighed. “Gail’s not making it up, if that’s what you’re wondering.”
Roxanne put a hand on her hip. “No need to be embarrassed with me. I’ve been wondering how long you two would keep denying the obvious.”
Phoebe’s chest felt tight. Her thoughts tumbled out. “I wasn’t trying to hide anything. I’m just kind of freaked out. I don’t know where this is going, and I don’t know what I’ll do if it doesn’t work out.”
Roxanne’s eyes softened. “Come here,” she said, gesturing for Phoebe to follow her behind the counter.
Roxanne led the way through a swinging door into the kitchen and to the small office in the back. Before Phoebe had a chance to say anything, Roxanne swung around, hands on hips. “Don’t go and get all tangled up in your head. Jake has loved you for years.”
Phoebe sighed. “That’s what he says, but how long did he swear up and down he’d never be with a woman who wasn’t a shifter? I’m not…”
Roxanne cut in. “If he was going to insist on that, you wouldn’t be with him now either. Plus, guys are idiots sometimes. He got all twisted up about a romance gone wrong and finally realized that what went wrong had nothing to do with whether or not she was a shifter. Let it go. I know you, and I know how you run in circles in your brain. You’ve got other things to worry about, so accept a good thing now that it pretty much slapped you in the face. I’m not even going to bother saying more about it. If you start getting worked up, call me so I can tell you to stop. Moving on, fill me in on what happened in Montana.”
For a second, Phoebe was taken aback and found herself wanting to ask Roxanne more about how she knew Jake had loved her for years, but when she meet Roxanne’s firm, knowing gaze, she elected to take her advice and stop worrying it to death for the moment. It had all seemed easier during those days in Montana when their time together felt like it was floating in a bubble, removed from their day to day lives. She wanted more than anything to surrender into what she had with Jake—it was bliss far beyond what she could have imagined. She took a breath and moved on, offering a summary of the events in Montana.
“Someone is related to the Jaspers…hmmm,” Roxanne said. “Pretty much anyone that visits town crosses my radar one way or another. Let me think. Any ideas if he’s been out here?”
Phoebe nodded. “Yup. Jake dug up his flight history, and he’s been to Maine a few times a year the last two years. Jake’s still searching to see what else he can find. The only Jasper I know a bit is Noah, and he’s not exactly chatty.”
Roxanne chuckled as she turned to leave the office, waving for Phoebe to follow her. “Not exactly, but he’s here almost every day, so I’ve
had more time than you to wear him down.”
Phoebe watched Roxanne grab the coffee pot from behind the counter and begin winding her way through the tables, pausing to chat as she did. Noah glanced up with a smile when she stopped by his table.
Jake stood from his desk and stretched. He’d been at it all morning. Aside from his work on the investigation, he had a few jobs to take care of for companies he contracted with to manage their websites and provide tech support. The sun was low in the sky now, its rays filtering through the trees behind his office. A bright red cardinal was perched on a tree branch outside his window, a splash of color amidst the snowy landscape.
His office door opened and Dane stood in the doorway. “Come on, we’re meeting Hank over at Theo Jasper’s place.”
Jake stood and grabbed his jacket. He’d quickly discovered that Carl Jasper from Montana had routine online contact with Theo Jasper in Catamount. Though smuggling was never explicitly mentioned, vague references to business were. Jake had passed this on to Hank who reported that Theo was already facing legal trouble for tax evasion. As Jake rode beside Dane on the way out there, Dane offered a brief update.
“After you cued Hank onto Theo, he found out from the jail that Theo’s visited Randall a few times since his arrest. He wants to question him and see where it goes. He asked us to meet him there because Theo’s been known to make things difficult.”
Theo lived close to downtown Catamount down a quiet side street. When they arrived, Hank was already there. Jake and Dane met him by his car. Hank pushed away from the car and began walking to the house. “Let’s see what we get from him.”
Snow crunched under their boots as they walked up to the door. After they knocked, there was a rustling sound and then silence. The door flung open, and Theo stood before them. In a flash, he shifted and dashed away. Though Hank was a shifter, he shook his head sharply and gestured for them to follow. “He’s headed right for downtown. I don’t know what his game is, but I’ll be fielding calls left and right. I won’t be able to deflect talk if I’m running around in lion form. As for you two, do what you need to do.” Hank turned on his heel and climbed into his car.
Jake and Dane met eyes briefly. In silent agreement, they shifted. Jake’s fur rippled over him. He bolted with Dane at his side. They dashed through the trees, cutting through yards and side streets. Theo wasn’t too far ahead of them. He was also smaller and leaner in cat form, just as in human form. He was headed straight for the center of downtown. Adrenaline drove Jake to a fierce pace, Dane matching him step for step. When they saw the tip of Theo’s tail as he dashed out of sight, they split up, circling to opposite sides. They came around the building to find Theo had paused. His head swung side to side. He appeared to be assessing his options. If he went forward, they’d end up at the town green.
Jake growled, his hackles rose. The only thing holding him back was the fact that they needed to run Theo out of the center of town. Theo leapt forward, racing down the street that led to the green. Jake and Dane gave chase. As they dashed behind Theo and burst into the open, Jake’s eyes landed immediately on Phoebe who was walking down the street toward her car. Roxanne stood at the door of her store, her eyes wide at the sight of three mountain lions racing through town. Theo veered toward Phoebe. Primal fury surged through Jake as he leapt after Theo. He swiped at Theo right as Theo lunged for Phoebe.
Phoebe dodged out of the way, but Theo’s claws caught her shoulder as she fell. Jake snarled and leapt for Theo’s throat. Theo twisted out of the way and dashed to the side. Jake paused and glanced down at Phoebe. She shook her head sharply when he moved toward her. “Go,” she hissed. “I’m fine.” Relief washed through him, but it was brief. It was plain luck Phoebe hadn’t been injured. Dane leapt past them. When Jake saw Roxanne heading toward Phoebe, he swung away. Rage pulsed through him as he raced behind Dane, swearing he’d make Theo pay for targeting Phoebe.
Theo weaved his way back toward his home. Dane caught him just as they leapt over the fence around his yard. Jake cleared the fence and found Dane grappling with Theo. Claws and fur were flying in swift succession. Dane backed off when he saw Jake. Jake knew Dane sensed he needed this fight. With a low roar, he pounced on Theo. Theo was smaller, but feisty and relentless. The fight dragged on with Jake sustaining several deep scratches. He kept Phoebe in mind and gritted through to dodge another swipe and drive Theo against the fence, pinning him to the ground. Theo snarled, but the fight was done. It took all of Jake’s will not to sink his teeth into Theo’s throat and tear it out. Only his human mind kept him in check. They had enough to deal with now that three mountain lions had been seen running through the streets of Catamount. A dead one would only add to the brushfire of rumors.
Theo eventually went limp. Jake bit into the back of Theo’s neck and dragged him into the house, Dane right behind them. Only when Theo shifted back into human form did Jake and Dane follow. As soon as they did, Jake heard a female voice. Shana stepped into the kitchen where they’d entered the house.
“Hey boys, heard you might need some help.” She held up their clothing and tossed it to them.
They waited with Theo until Hank arrived. Theo was sullen and silent. Hank entered the kitchen, his eyes landing on Theo immediately.
“Well, you decided to make as much trouble as you could. We were wondering if you were involved with the smugglers, and you confirmed it. All we did was show up and you pulled that stunt. If you think it’s a smart move to draw attention to shifters, think again. You just put every single shifter everywhere at risk. Now what’s it gonna be? You gonna talk or not?”
“You can’t hold me for anything.”
“Sure I can. If you were hoping lots of people saw you, you picked a bad time. It’s dusk and most everyone already went home from work. My guys have interviewed anyone downtown. Aside from Phoebe and Roxanne, we have only two other witnesses who aren’t so sure what they saw. I’m happy to arrest you for assault against Phoebe because I know damn well you assaulted her. You won’t be sharing a cell with either one of your buddies though.”
Theo swore and glared at Hank. “What the hell brought you to my doorstep?”
Hank shrugged. “We know you have connections with the smuggling network in Montana. All we wanted to do was ask you about that. For all we knew, you didn’t know a damn thing. But then you go and pull this bullshit.”
Theo leaned back in his chair. Jake had to hold himself back. He wanted to pummel Theo’s face in. His phone buzzed in his pocket. He tugged it out and saw Phoebe’s number. He stepped outside. “Are you okay? I wanted to stay and make sure…”
Phoebe cut him off. “I told you I was fine. What the hell is going on, Jake? Why were you and Dane chasing that shifter through town? And who was it?”
Phoebe had seen him and Dane in lion form many times, so she’d be able to pick them out. As for Theo, most likely not.
“Theo Jasper. We met Hank at Theo’s place to talk to him, and he took off. Are you sure you’re okay? I’m leaving now. Dane and Hank’s guys can handle the rest. Where are you?”
After Phoebe told him Roxanne had taken her home, Jake stepped inside to confer with Dane. Dane handed him his keys and assured him he’d pick his truck up at Phoebe’s later.
Chapter 15
Phoebe tried to shoo Roxanne out of the house, but she wouldn’t budge. Phoebe didn’t take well to being fussed over and that’s what Roxanne was doing.
“You can complain all you want. I’m not leaving until Jake gets here,” Roxanne declared.
“But I’m fine! He knocked me over and barely scratched me. You’re making too much out of this.”
Roxanne slowly shook her head. “I can see you’re fine, but if I leave you here alone, Jake will give me hell, so you’re stuck with me.”
Phoebe rolled her eyes and leaned back on the couch. Roxanne had helped her up after Theo had knocked her over and insisted on driving her home. Initiall
y, she’d wanted to take her by the hospital, but she’d acquiesced when Phoebe pointed out that they didn’t need any more attention drawn to the fact that three mountain lions had just bolted through the center of town. The only factor on their side was timing. Dusk had fallen, so the light was weak, and most businesses had closed up for the day already. Roxanne had called Rosie who’d zipped over from her shift at the hospital only to glare at Roxanne for wasting her time.
“Okay, I’m with you on freaking out about the fact that three mountain lions ran through town, but she’s barely scratched. Maybe if she hadn’t had her winter coat on, we’d have something to worry about. I have to get back to work, but call me later. I want the scoop,” Rosie had said as she dashed back out the door.
Meanwhile, all Phoebe could think about was what was happening with Jake and Dane. She wanted to believe he and Dane would have no trouble cornering Theo, but for all she knew, there were others involved. She kept checking her phone and finally called him. He would be here any minute. As she turned to ask Roxanne if she wanted anything to eat, her front door flew open. Jake strode through the door and slammed it shut behind him. A gust of icy air flecked with snow swirled in with him as he took two long strides to stand in front of her. He fairly vibrated with potent energy. He started to reach for her and abruptly stopped, stuffing his hands in his pockets. His jacket hung open, his clothes were torn in a few places, and he bore his own scratches, including one that snaked down his neck under the collar of his shirt with dried blood smeared around it. Snowflakes were scattered in his hair and on his jacket. She moved to stand.
“No! You need to rest. Are you okay?” he asked quickly, his eyes coasting over her.
“I’m fine! All he did was knock me over. I barely even got a scratch…”